Post news RSS E-TCW Media Release 10

It has been a slow start to the new year, but the Design Crew is back in full swing. Now, to welcome a couple of new Design Crew members. Firstly Quarrel, who has joined as a QA officer (Quality Assurance), he currently is employed by Dreamcaster Games as a QA officer and will help to bring the mod

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It has been a slow start to the new year, but the Design Crew is back in full swing. Now, to welcome a couple of new Design Crew members. Firstly Quarrel, who has joined as a QA officer (Quality Assurance), he currently is employed by Dreamcaster Games as a QA officer and will help to bring the mod to the next level. Shadow has joined as a modeller/artist (we can never have too many modeller for a project of this size.. ) Also, welcome to Soong24, a professional writer who have jumped at the opportunity to write for a Star Trek mod. Welcome to all.

Want to see some media now? Good, cause we are happy to show it... The Design Crew here at Enterprise -TCW, are mainly Star Trek and Enterprise fans, that said, attention to detail has driven the bulk of the development, which has made progress a little slow, but due to the fans wanting quality and showing a willingness to wait for it, that is what we intend to give them.

Greg O'Connor's Demo Reel: | Hi-Rez Version 42mb | Low-Rez Version 22mb |
Phase Pistol Stun Grenades and Stun Battons

Greg O'Connors Crew Model - Travis Mayweather Greg O'Connors Crew Model - Malcolm Reed

Also, check out our NEW Media Gallery, with heaps of images no one has ever seen.. plenty of concept art, works in progress and test renders: Enterprise - TCW: Media Gallery

Have a listen to Basstronix music score. It is built up of several tracks he has been working on for the mod. He has kindly taken a little time out of his busy schedule scoring films to put this gem together for us. Enjoy! Demo Sound Track Also, something we must let you listen to, is the quality of the voice acting work that Croesus is doing for the voice of Reed: Lt.Reed Phaser Practise Absolutely brilliant (but I may be bias?)

Heaps more to come.. keep watching, make sure you join our forum and become apart of a Star Trek fan base and community.
See you there and live long and prosper.....

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