Post news RSS Duffers Golf Single-Player Beta Released

Coil is proud to announce the availability of the debut release of Duffers Golf to the public. This one course single-player demo features traditional golf utilizing Epic Games' Unreal Tournament 2004, with totally new, totally custom physics, and a unique look unlike any other UT2004 mod. Duffers Golf

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Coil is proud to announce the availability of the debut release of
Duffers Golf to the public. This one course single-player demo features
traditional golf utilizing Epic Games' Unreal Tournament 2004, with
totally new, totally custom physics, and a unique look unlike any other
UT2004 mod. Duffers Golf will be a entrant in the 3rd Phase of the Make
Something Unreal Contest, and the beta's purpose is to gather feedback
from the community to help Coil improve and strengthen the mod.

In the future, the mod will support up to 32 simultaneous players in
groups of four on a single course, as well as additional gameplay
surprises that take golf in a whole new direction.

Duffers Golf Single-Player Beta:

Duffers Golf Website:

Duffers Golf Forums:


a_llama - - 433 comments

YES! I love you!

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