DROSS v0.42 -Update May 21st 2023
Hello everyone Fury here, it’s been quite awhile since the last update. Salt has been working tirelessly at updating and polishing things and Im very excited to be able to share with you all what he’s been up to!
New bug types (more variety)
So there’s two bug types that have been added to the game. One of them is the biter swarms which were already in the game, but now they’ll roam the map as well as guard the nests for some extra spookiness. The second bug type doesn’t have a name yet. I will say that they’ll certainly keep everybody on their toes and they should be pretty exciting to fight, no major spoilers on that yet!
Tutorial new features
The tutorial has had lots of bug changes. Just things to help guide the player better in what they’re supposed to do. There's lighting in the right places, less information overloading, and all in all making things more clear and concise with more environmental storytelling than throwing it all in your face at once. The text all in all in the game still needs some updating, so there’s still a bit to do, we’ll keep on it! :)
Saw upgrade
There’s an upgrade for your saw ability that’s been added. This upgrade will allow you to use your block to build up a charge that you can use with the use button while you’re blocking, killing bugs close to you with a powerful grenade attack! This blocking ability temporarily holds the charge so you’ve got to use it quickly, but its quite powerful!
Art improvements
There’s been a few updates the the art ie: the elevator, the double doors, and the bug nests goop among many other updated art pieces.
Gun leveling
As you level up your gun the artwork now changes, it’s not quite done on every gun, but lots of them have been updated!
Bug fixes
There’s been some bug fixes as well, it’s hard to even remember all of them sometimes. Lots and lots of bug fixes all the time lol. To list some of them he’s fixed the colliders being so big, which has really improved how it feels to move around the world. The movement also has been reworked to feel a lot better as well.
There were issues with it not using the physics engine and as a result if you had a very fast or slow computer you would likely fall through the world, run through objects, or have issues colliding with objects. Fixing this has also fixed many of the issues with the frame rate as well. There’s been an update to the settings menue where you can change the volume of the music and the master volume, which is all sound in game.
The HUD has also been changed to be more concise and to feel less cramped. So there’s new artwork for the HUD and the compass isn’t a physical moving thing that you have to look up or down to see in game, now it’s attached to your helmet and you’ll only need to look left and right to look around on you’re compass.
I’ve saved the best error for last, it was honestly really funny to find. If you kicked a barrel you would fly through walls, not because of the physics with the barrels, but because of the money inside of them! Lol!
All in all Im super proud of Salt, he’s been working very hard on making everything better and reaching out to people in order to see what people like and what they don’t. Thank you so much to everyone who’s taken the time out to play test and help us find bugs and give ideas on what would make things better. We couldn’t do this without YOU! If anyone finds any bugs that need fixing please don’t hesitate to tell us in the comments and again thank you to everyone who’s helped us through the development of this project with all your comments, criticism, and support!