Post news RSS Doom 1, 2 fusion progress

At the moment testing what works, uploading my latest build to help trouble-shooting. Anyway the current build runs from Doom 1 on episodes 2,3,4 and Doom 2 on the first 2 levels.

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I have been trying hard to troubleshoot so I can understand why the Doom 2 build was having issues at the start of the level so I had decided to rebuild from scratch again with a completely fresh build, which now includes the first 2 levels of Doom 2 added onto the Doom 1 build:

1st Attempt at fusing Doom1,2 together

(At the moment I'm using these builds for testing purposes so if I do have another attempt then the build may look different each time, since this is a beta phase so I can test what works, hopefully finish the project)

1st Attempt at fusing Doom1,2 together

Also if you're interested in downloading previous versions then you can download them here:

Full Doom 1 on 1 level with plenty of bugs = Doom 1 compiled under one level

Doom 2 compiled as one continous level. = Doom 2 compiled under one level

Once again if anyone has any thoughts on how to solve certain issues or any glitches they notice that happen that please mention what you did and what type of glitch it is so I may be aware of it.

Also I'm considering rechecking the previous two builds to see if I can find a more stable build but Doom 1 seems to be the one with the most bugs and I'm struggling to understand if some of the issues in the latest build are a hardware problem or due to in-game issues that I may to change so I'm trying my best to look into it..

S_C_A_R - - 146 comments

This is insane, 100% will play.

Though 1 thing, there are multiple new Doom hell minions made in other mods, could you add them to the Doom 2 level designs (like you did near the end of Doom:ONE's E1M8, also looking forward to see Episode 2, 3 and 4 under one level too!) under a few secret doors or just next to current minions, it would make for a new challenge while playing with the Brutal Doom mod

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Ronnie42 Author
Ronnie42 - - 217 comments

All secret levels are already in, I try put them in between where the levels usually take you from, after as if they were standard.

Also I understand there other mods to add new minions but my main goals is to make Doom as open world as I can or at least make Doom 1 stable under 1 level, Doom 2 stable under 1 level.

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