Because of the new Darkest hour map TRP had to rework its hole inc-data-files.
At the moment we are working on this files.
A hugh number is already converted and ready for ingame using.
Around 68 of 86 incs are converted.
After finishing the incs TRP-team is going to fix a number of events and ai-files
to guarantee the fully functioning of this modification on darkest hour engine!
During this inc transferring progress we had started to chance the OOBs of the
great 7 nations. Datas had shown that some states had an ahistorical OOB.
F.g. Germany had 24 infantry divisions and a cavalry division (1. january 1936).
Old TRP-Germany had 21 Infantry divisions and 0 cavalry division.
We had add/correct/delete this missing/wrong divisions.
Other nations will be reworked, too ;)
Lord Rommel
TRP Modding Team