Post news RSS DevOrDie Studios storms their way through PAX Australia

As part of the massive annual event, DevOrDie Studios showcased their game at PAX Australia 2017 to thousands of people!

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DevOrDie Studios shows off Chroma Shift at PAX AUS 2017

First day PAX Booth

We're finally back on our feet after a long weekend! As part of the Melbourne International Games Week, we showcased our Australian-made co-operative puzzle platformer Chroma Shift at the Penny Arcade Expo Australia.

This was our second year showcasing our game at PAX, and just like last year, we received a lot of love from people who stopped by our booth to check out our game!

Checking out our game!

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People checking us out more!

We absolutely adored the amount of feedback and love that people shared with us. We particularly loved the smiles on their faces as they came across some really tough puzzles! It's everything we wanted to see from our players.

Thank you so much to everyone who came out to see us! We can't wait for next year when we're FINALLY going to have a released game, and who knows what will be in store for us in the future!

Much love from the DevOrDie team:

We beat PAX AUS!

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