Post news RSS Devlog 4/30/23

Another productive week. Our community is slowly growing! We even have some members/Patreons?

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Exciting week! Thank you to those who have signed up for our membership/Patreon! Our community is slowly growing.

This week we set up our additional Early Access/Feature site for our Patreons and dedicated testers. They will be able to test and give feedback to new features and updates before they are pushed to the public/live site.

Now that our Proof of Concept live build started with good success. We now started focusing on building out core game systems to how we want them to work in the future. New users are now presented with a welcome and choose your first pet screen for better game introduction. The Adoption Center got a rework to allow users to abandon/put up for adoption pets, along with pets shown as available/adoptable are those abandoned by other users.

Welcome Starter Screen

To allow users to get more pets other than their starter, Runecorns can now be buried and spawn a pet with that element. School also got an upgrade with new items introduced as payment for classes. This will allow us to balance better along with making stats more meaningful and something for user to work to obtain.

Buried Runecorn Air Runecorn Open

Finally, we have started building out the Friend/Profile systems. This will allow users to view each other’s pets and profiles. Eventually achievements and other account stats will be visible for users to show off.


We still have plenty of work moving forward so as always check out our roadmap for more information!



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