Hello Everyone!
This week we have continued prototyping our ideas, implementing things that will be used in our final game such as the pushing mechanics and their twists like the icy floor and the holes on the ground.
We implemented the icy tiles, special tiles that make a boulder slide in the direction it was pushed from until it meets a wall or a non icy tile.
Here you can see the player before pushing the boulder:
And here is after the boulder has been pushed:
In addition to these features, we've also been working on NPC interaction.
Below we have a test NPC:
And here we have a work in progress of the textbox with the dialogue:
All these features are still a work in progress, we are still testing them to see what problems come up and doing our best to solve them, we will continue working on the features and keep you updated.
Thank you for your time!
Bino Studios