Post news RSS Devlog #139: Less than a week to launch!

Wow, April 13th is just around the corner. Few days to go!

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The release date is so close I can taste it.

And I know that at this point one should not be making any major changes. So I haven't. I mean I did, but they're not major.

One of the key mechanics in Shardpunk is the weapon reload process, where energy cells overheat and players must cool them down to keep the weapon functioning. Previously, this action was simply referred to as "reloading."

After receiving some feedback and consulting with my Discord community (do join the Discord channel, by the way!), the action has been renamed to "vent":

This made the whole weapon overheating concept a little more readable. Also, some changes in character texts followed:

Other than that, I'm keeping the build stable and focusing on preparing for the release. My mental state may be a bit shaky with all the anticipation, but I'm confident that Shardpunk Verminfall will be a game that you will enjoy!

Thanks for your support, and see you on launch day!

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