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New screens with new programs and more information about the development statues

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Hi, I've got news for you (and some images too) :
_Added stratum circle that shows on which stratum you are.
_ Added : Analyzer (needs the detectors activated) : in case of a physical transmitting established, we can find more data and take control of the analyzed object. (real programmation not finished, only design and animations for now)
_ Memory is now showing in real time his capacities.
_ Update : Detectors design
_ Added : Encyclopedia Webdianis main menu (you add more information in it during your travel in the Webden)
_ Added : Bright line to show the compressed fluid transfer from an O.T. to the engines.

The main introduction has been updated too some days ago. A will make a video, it's really better with animation and sound =)

Development screens

Development screens

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