Post news RSS Developer Update #1

Join us as we show and discuss going from the first town to the dungeons and coming back and building up the town using the loot found.

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For our first developer update we would like to take you through how the player can go from the town to the dungeons and come back to build up the town. In this demonstration we will show the first town and first dungeon.

We first see the player at the shrine next to Skelyton (the skeleton village name). They only have access to the first portal so it's an easy choice. From here the player will be looking for demon statues to unlock construction orbs. Various items and the rune to unlock the next portal will also be somewhere in the dungeon.

Monsters will have spawned throughout the dungeons. As you defeat them they will drop experience, money and magic orbs. These will rush towards you as you walk near them. Their use will be discussed in a later article.

By destroying these demon statues you will unlock the construction orbs needed to purchase and upgrade buildings in the town. The player has the construction orbs and must now locate the exit portal.

Back in the town, the player needs to go to the town hall and map to start building.
Along the top are all of the buildings that are currently available to build in the town. Extra floor plans can be found later in the game. The shovel and hammer icon contains the towns accessories such as paths or fences. The player is going to build the General Store so that they can buy supplies for the other dungeons.

The player is also going to place some paths from the shrine to the new building.

Now the player can wander around in the new town additions.

Well that's all for this update, please feel free to ask any questions and let us know what you think of everything and any suggestions you might have. The next update will discuss the level up system, the different kinds of orbs you can collect and how you free NPCs to join your town.

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