Post news RSS Dev Update #1 - Color tweaking and new abilities

New abilities have been added to the game, and we've tweaked the colors of the action phase so that they're more mellow.

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Broken Lines Logo 05

Hello again! We're back with our first dev update, which focuses on some new abilities that we've added to the game, and how we've tweaked the colors of the action phase. We would love some feedback on both subjects, so if you have any thoughts by the end of this, please don't hesitate to tell us about them.

To begin with, we've added the much-needed ability to heal

2 execution   healing

We're making a point of there being a difference between the new soldiers, like the pictured recruit, and the more battle-hardened soldiers. The recruits are able to perform first aid, which is pictured by the icon with bandages.

There's still some tweaking to do, and you only have a limited amount of first aid per recruit, so while it makes it easier to have all your soldiers survive the level, you can't afford to be careless.

The second ability is Rally

4 execution   Rally

Rally is an ability that can only be used by the battle-hardened soldiers. If a soldier is in a bad spot and is getting shot at, they become stressed. If they're too stressed, it will affect different stats and their overall performance, but with Rally, you can decrease the amount of stress.

Color tweaking

The next part is the one we're really interested in hearing your opinion about. Since we first added the game and posted the first article, we've changed the colors in the action phase by toning them down, essentially making it a bit more mellow.

Here's the old look:

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And here's the new:

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The colors are now softer, but we still have to tweak the lighting and contrast a bit, but we already think that there's a big difference between the old and the new, so we're very interested in hearing what everyone else thinks about the change.

Thank you for reading the first dev update for Broken Lines!

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