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In the next update to Capture The Flag, Resupply Nodes are being added in order to give people opportunities to sustain the fight. These resupply nodes vary based on the needs of a given CTF level. In one map they may be situated near the flags or spawns and only the defending team may access them. On another level they may be more centralized requiring both teams to fight over access to them.

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CTF - Resupply Nodes

Resupply Nodes​

In the next update to Capture The Flag, Resupply Nodes are being added in order to give people opportunities to sustain the fight. These resupply nodes vary based on the needs of a given CTF level. In one map they may be situated near the flags or spawns and only the defending team may access them. On another level they may be more centralized requiring both teams to fight over access to them.

The parameters that resupply nodes have will also vary based on level. Health resupply nodes may supply both health and armor, or just one of the two. The same with ammo resupply nodes. Ammo resupply nodes may supply both weapon ammo, and expendables such as grenades or fuel, or also just one of the two types. Each node will also have varying parameters for the percentage of supply given to the user, how often a player can use a resupply node, how long the node is active after a trigger (such as a capture node), and how long a user must use the resupply node to be supplied with the given resource.

We decided on this route as it gives the level designer enough flexibility to create supply nodes that fit their level, rather than being shoehorned into a specific setup. This can give opportunities for the level designer to create additional places in the map for players to fight for, dragging them outside of flag areas. It can also give strong defensive flag positions with resupplies near flags, but lacking resupplies for grenades, rockets, etc. without pushing out or not at all.

CTF - Resupply Nodes

CTF - Resupply Nodes

New CTF Maps​

With the resupply update we will be releasing two new CTF maps. The first we will be showcasing is CTF Duel of the Fates by Spaghetti. This map takes components of the palace section of Duel of the Fates to create an asymmetrical CTF map with unique components and new areas added in.

CTF Duel of the Fates​

CTF - Duel of the FatesCTF - Duel of the FatesCTF - Duel of the FatesCTF - Duel of the FatesCTF - Duel of the FatesCTF - Duel of the Fates

CTF Starkiller Base​

The second level is a a reworked CTF Imperial using Starkiller Base assets to update the level to a proper size for MB2, and add new features and cover to support our gameplay.

CTF - Starkiller BaseCTF - Starkiller BaseCTF - Starkiller BaseCTF - Starkiller BaseCTF - Starkiller BaseCTF - Starkiller BaseCTF - Starkiller Base

CTF Map Updates​

With the update to include resupply nodes, some maps will be getting changes beyond just simply sprinkling a few resupply nodes around. An example being CTF Death Star with the main route out of both flag areas being reworked to split flow between routes more evenly, add more cover, and combat points rather than having a long straight hall prone to sniping.

CTF - Deathstar Main Route UpdateCTF - Deathstar Main Route Update

All of this and more will be coming in the next update to Movie Battles 2. In a couple weeks we will be detailing a even more features coming soon as well as when you can play this in open beta to help us iron out the final kinks before the live release.

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