Post news RSS Dev Blog: [In-Dev] Student AI

This post will tell you about the Student AI and all the other updates I'll be planning.

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Hey everyone, Ian here and THANK GOD I'm actually progressing. Right now, I am planning/making the student AI and it's pretty hard in my opinion, since this is kinda my first time to make an AI that is advanced in a way. But hopefully, if this gets all planned by tomorrow, then I can at least make the time system and hopefully design the classrooms. Oh what am I saying, I got a long way to go XD

But on a scale to 1-10 (1 being not even close to 10 being the GUARANTEED) of this game being released by the end of February is probably a 4 or 5 :/

This is probably the last post I'll make until the the day before the release of the PRE PRE ALPHA of this game :3


. 2/19 Finish up the AI and hopefully make the time system
. 2/21 Design the classrooms and make the AI going to class and such (this might take awhile) :/
. 2/22 Make the inventory system + Make the bus arrive on time
. 2/23 Plan the Class AI + Make it
. 2/24 Update the graphics (Bus, Title Screen, and such)
. 2/26 Make Walking/Running Animations :D
. 2/27 Make the finishing touches.

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