Post news RSS Dev Blog 7/3/2015 - Alpha Date(s) & More

Links to enroll in our Alpha, Content Update, Graphics Update, and Dates.

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Hello IndieDB Community!

Today we've got some flashy new stuff for you. Please don't forget to head on over to Steam Greenlight and give us a hearty YES vote!

First off, Happy 239th Birthday America!

ABD Veterans F2P

Secondly, we've got a pretty fun update for everyone. To kick that off, check out the lighting we've got.

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Here are some dates you can expect heavier content to be released:

-Environment Trailer I: July 6th 2015
Gameplay Trailer II: July 15th 2015
Closed Alpha: July 25th 2015
Open Alpha: August 1st 2015

Last week we covered equipment and weapons which can be found On our Dev Blog for 6 29 2015.

This week, we've focused on creating the 'Third(3rd) Tier' of technology and structures; which has been fun to say the VERY least. We should have this tier complete by our next Dev Blog, so you'll get to some shiny new models next week. You'll notice (if you're a patron) that these images were inclusive of Tier 4 - we've bumped it down a notch. Why? Why not bro. Just kidding. We've bumped it down because the separation between the old Tier 3 and Tier 4 was so small, we didn't want players to become discouraged about "unlocking new technology" that felt flat. And so, here we are:

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Last week, we also made some pretty huge progress on getting to the Top #21 game here on IndieDB! This was HUGELY exciting for our team, I certainly celebrated a little bit too much and nearly puked as a result the following morning. No worries though, this liver is cast iron and rock steady!

We're making great progress with the remaining listed features, and we're coming up on having them stabilized in a couple of weeks time. We'll do some rigorous internal testing to ensure that things are up to par for when we go live on the Alpha, which for the first week or two will be closed. We want our IndieGoGo backers Veterans alike to take their first shots at ABD and tell us if there's anything they want changed.

Don't forget to tell your friends, family, and fellow gamers about ABD with the hashtag #GAMEntVetsPlayFree so we can get more Veterans their free game.

Again, if you're a U.S., U.K., or Disabled German Military Veteran - pack your socks and grab your rocks; Welcome to ABD - you play free.

Mad Love,
-Robert Bonner
ABD Producer
G.A.M. Entertainment, LLC

Steam Greenlight

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