Hello IndieDB,
I hope everyone had a good week! We're getting really close to our Alpha state, preparing more and more every day as we inch closer to our release on Steam. Instead of running an Alpha, we might actually just go live! It all depends on user demand, and level of interest. So get involved!
This week we covered the following:
- Resources
- Interfaces
- Steam Checklists
- Game Info
So far, we've got quite a few resources in ABD. We'll be adding more, but here is the total list in its current state. If you have ideas or suggestions of things you'd like to see, be sure to add them in the comments section!
This week we also finished one of the final stages of our UI before completely converting them into the other various languages in high demand. Below are two images, one of the main UI with every possible window expanded.
This is what it looks like when you unlock a technology through researching or looting it.
This screen is what you'll see after entering the game, letting you chose who you want to align yourself with. As you progress through ABD, you'll see more and more factions pop up.
This is what you see when the inevitable happens.
Steam Checklists
One of the things Steam is very picky about are the thousand or so lines of information you have to fill out to get a store page going. Not whining, its just... Its a lot. Anyway, some of the easier stuff is the aesthetics. Below is an image of what our badges and trading cards will look like through Steam. It's feeling more and more official every day!
Game Info
Alright, so we're getting pretty super close to getting ready to release ABD. Depending on how our closed trials go will dictate where we go from there. If we're really buggy or have a lot of consecutive problems we'll be using our original release date of August 17th. If ABD is a sterling example of a purple unicorn, meaning it doesn't have any substantial bugs and the beast is awesome, we might push the release date forward. Certainly no promises here, things happen all the time that have the potential to delay us.
Tier three(3) is finished, but we're so proud of it that we're going to present it to you all in a different format next week. For our graphics buffs, you guys are gonna like this; Boris did SUCH a great job! So until next week, you'll just have to wait.
One thing that hasn't been updated lately are screenshots, which will for sure be available before you buy ABD on Steam so you know what you're getting. Also, we'll be updating the store page with current screenshots at the forefront so that if you didn't like it before, you can see how it has evolved. ABD will continually evolve, change, and improve as we cross the threshold of Early Access and move forward with it.
Well, we hope that you enjoyed the new visuals of this weeks dev blog, and by next week we should have a lot more to show you from an in-game standpoint. Its a very exciting time for ABD, and we look forward to seeing you ingame!!!
- Robert Bonner
Creative Producer - ABD
G.A.M. Entertainment, LLC.
YouTube: Youtube.com
IndieGoGo: Igg.me
IndieDB: Indiedb.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/gagamaggotentertainment
Twitter: www.twitter.com/gam_ent
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1.) Send an email to Support@GagAMaggotEnt.com with the subject title being "Military Player"
2.) Steam ID
3.) Steam Name
4.) Proof of Service
---- Photo of yourself in uniform and a Facebook/Twitter/Social Media page to verify your face.
---- Description valid enough to be verified, if you were in the military, you'll know what to say.
Military Documents
VA Paperwork