Post news RSS Dev Blog 6/29/2015 - F2P For U.S. Military Veterans

Such an incredible response on here, a huge thank you to the IndieDB community!

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Hello IndieDB Community,

We've really been blown away at G.A.M. Entertainment by your professionalism and excitement for ABD, it has absolutely not gone unnoticed. One of the major factors to making games is to please players, and so far we've gotten some really exciting emails and responses on Steam Greenlight.

Our incentive for Military Veterans is starting to pay off, we've gotten interest from all three nationalities that we've been targeting! The United States, The United Kingdom, and Germany - all have responded, and we have about 15 Veterans scheduled for Alpha Testing. As a U.S. Army Veteran and Game Developer, I was always excited about offering our games as a F2P Platform to Veterans - a real dream coming true. If you know a Veteran in your life that likes gaming, or could use a smile, please share #GAMEntVetsPlayFree on social media with them, and be sure to share our Steam Greenlight page it has the instructions. Meh! I'll list them here anyway.

To gain access to your free copy, follow these steps:
1.) Send an email to with the subject title being "Military Player"
2.) Steam ID
3.) Steam Name
4.) Proof of Service
----Photo of yourself in uniform and a Facebook/Twitter/Social Media page to verify your face.
----Description valid enough to be verified, if you were in the military, you'll know what to say.

In the past 12 hours we've gone another 5% on Steam Greenlight - or - 45% towards the Top 100, and made the Top #100 list here on IndieDB!


This week we will be heavily focusing on our next Trailer which shows off the progress we've made since our debut two weeks ago, in addition to perhaps opening up a Closed Alpha. Yep, our Alpha test is here and we'd like to stress out our servers with the poor folks at Amazon - so get pumped!!

Alpha Information:

We have a 100km x 100km (56 miles x 56 miles) map that is undergoing calculations, but for our Alpha we will be focusing on two articles: Player Count & Game Functionality. With a lower player count, it doesn't make sense to have over two weeks of travel time to fight eachother; yup, its that big. Instead, we have sectioned off a 10km x 10km (6.2 miles by 6.2 miles) portion to snuff out any of the major issues that might arise. With 50 players, you'll still have a quarter mile all to your lonesome. Below is a screenshot of the scale of the map from a few miles in the sky. Huge, right?


Game Info:
You'll be looking at a pretty decent amount of features that are enabled, and we'll be adding more features as we create them. Like I said in our last Dev Blog, our Framework for the game is rock solid - from this point on we're simply adding items to the database. It's going to be rather chaotic and accountability will be human player dictated, but you guys should be okay... I hope. Gonna be bloody, me thinks...

I would LOVE to try to stress test our limits at 10,000 players on our server, but we're a ways off from getting that many people interacting with ABD right now - we're still kind of small. The closer we get to launch and the more momentum we get in the coming weeks should certainly get a few hundred people in-game and that's certainly a good target number for us. If we can get 10,000 players in ABD, we will certainly be putting our money where our mouth is and we would be very excited to make that happen - so share with your friends!

Boris has refined some of the placeholder assets we were using, and has been blazing through some new ones. The below image consists of some assistive devices such as a cart, some bags, and updates on the tools and weapons. Unlike most RTS games we've got tools and equipment that you can swap out for your units. It works more like a mix between a RTS and a RPG - some of you will find this very exciting.

ABD NewItems 6 29 15

We are taking out gore because we haven't been rated yet, and I'd like to make the experience for our Alpha Testers much more friendly - so we'll be adding gore after we publish on Greenlight.

Next Stages:
We're focusing on polishing the first three tiers for now, but here is some concept art on our direction for Tier 4. You can find more information on Tier 5 & Tier 6 on our Steam Greenlight page.


Thank you for reading, and I hope we can at least get the next couple of weeks rolling with a similar, positive response as we had before. Bless you all for your dedication, I know I've been waiting for a RTS game like this to come along, I've just gotten too impatient and decided to build it myself. Well anyway, I hope you all have a marvelous week, and stay tuned to ABD by G.A.M. Entertainment!

-Robert Bonner
ABD Producer
G.A.M. Entertainment, LLC.

Jetcutter - - 762 comments

Wonderful gesture by you folks!

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GAMEntertainment Author
GAMEntertainment - - 8 comments

Thank you very much Jetcutter!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Jetcutter - - 762 comments

No thanks to me necessary, All thanks should go out to all Vet's in the world. Regardless of nationality. :)

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Best4Gamers - - 18 comments

awsome !

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