Post news RSS Derelict - New video featuring bullet trails

Derelict now has bullet trails! Come see them for yourself by clicking here. There is a new level, featuring bullet trails! Amazing!

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Level 6

Hello everyone!

Here is the new level I have created. It is slightly harder then levels 3, and 4. But really well thought out IMO. Theres lots of corridors, corners to take and rooms to capture. Its rather fun!

Here is the level in action. This new video is called "Derelict - Level 06" But it is also a preview of the new Derelict v1.3 pre alpha build; which will be released as a standalone demo soon.

In this video, the coolest thing now is bullet trails. They fire from the gun, scatter based on how accurate the soldier is, and look pretty awesome

Heres the video:

Since i have a moment, and since YOU have a moment, as that you are reading this.....

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