Post news RSS Defragmented Kickstarter Launch!

Defragmented is now live on Kickstarter! Take a peek at our launch trailer and play a pre-alpha demo!

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After nearly a year of hard work, we've finally brought Defragmented to Kickstarter! There are so many awesome things we want to do with this game, and now we need your help to spread the word. Even if you're not the backing-type, please pass the project on to your friends. Together we can make this the best game it possibly can be!

Over the past month, I've been working non-stop on our launch trailer. It includes almost a minute of 3D animated footage in 1080p HD (over 1000 frames!). The rest of the trailer is comprised of high-action gameplay shots with helpful descriptions to match. Take a look below!

Full details on the game, the story, the rewards, and much much more are available on our Kickstarter page. If you want to check out the demo build we've prepared specifically for this, go to the game site:

Please reach out to us if you have any questions!

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RonixRising - - 21 comments

Good luck!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
dgedarovich Author
dgedarovich - - 19 comments

Thank you, we'll need it!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
codergames - - 36 comments

Good luck from me as well, although I think only masons projects get funded on the kickstarter and such, because they tend to keep money flowing in their circles, the public part of it is only to lure and trick others to give them money so that the amount of money in their circles would rise. It's how pyramid of their advertisement scams work, anyway. So, unless you're connected to them, the campaign will fail, for sure. Wait and see. Sorry for being so blunt, it's just the way I am.

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