Post news RSS December/Christmas News 2011

Hello dear Community and Marry Christmas! We hope that all of you were brave this year so that nobody have to swing the rod at home...therefor we want to swing the Social-Network-club also you get some presents from us^^

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Hello dear Community and Merry Christmas!

Traditionally we want to thank everyone of you who have voted for us at the Moty Award this year at first.
Sadly we didn't made it to be part of the Top 5 upcoming Mods this year but next year we will try again ;)

Let's start with the news content:
We hope that all of you were brave this year so that nobody have to swing the rod at home...therefor we want to swing the Social-Network-club also you get some presents from us^^

Additionally to our homepage, our Moddb site and our Facebook site we now got:

- a new Youtube channel
- a Twitter profile
- a Google+ Page

If anybody of you are on these networks we would be glad for a visit!

Beside that the model of the mother ship from the Pegasus-Cyborgs got finished on time for Christmas:

Pegasus Cyborg Mothership W.i.P. V2Pegasus Cyborg Mothership W.i.P. V2
Pegasus Cyborg Mothership W.i.P. V2Pegasus Cyborg Mothership W.i.P. V2

Model: DukeaufDune

Now only the texture is left to do ;)

Matching to this many colorful lights used for Christmas illumination we made some new screenshots of the Mod for you...with many colorful lights as well:

Ingame ScreenshotsIngame ScreenshotsIngame Screenshots

Now we made a little step into the past:
Who remember this picture from the Christmas News 2009?

Guess the ship(s)

Since then two years past and we got a new version of this picture for you:

Guess the ship V2

Models: Wolf
Render Scene: McKay

Same question as 2009: What could it be?

Yours SGMG wish you a Merry Christmas and a good slide into the new year!

EclipseStardestroyer - - 1,716 comments

Hey, how did you get to look inside the hanger bay while in hyperspace? Is that going to be like a ground skirmish map INSIDE the ship or something?

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Klon116 Author
Klon116 - - 721 comments

Its a render scene made with Cinema4D so this is not an Ingame screenshot;)

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Alpha473 - - 380 comments

I'm pretty sure it is a Tauri ship, maybe Prometheus?

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lo_shane_ol - - 25 comments

that looks really cool.

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