Post news RSS December Update!

We have (aside from Christmassing) been working on the dialogue and cutscene mechanics! All systems are go!

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Hey everyone, hope you had an amazing Christmas! We are back with another exciting update! At the moment, we are generating more game assets, implementing the dialogue system and working on the first few cutscenes!

The game now has "words" in it, which can be used by "characters" in "dialogue":

In addition to dialogue, the game will also have a story, part of which involves this image:

There is a lot of behind the scenes story stuff going on, but mostly that consisted of finding all the holes, problems and generally things I hated with the story, crying and then trying to fix them. It's an ongoing job...

Then it was Christmas, and we didn't really work on the game much beyond this:

Today we were implementing a new cutscene set in the second area:

User Posted Image

That's about it for December, we'll have another update for you soon!

e_Glyde - - 331 comments

This seems more interesting.

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