Post news RSS De Feet has been released on Steam Early Access

After several years, the new and improved De Feet has been released on Steam Early Access.

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After several years, the new and improved De Feet has been released on Steam Early Access. This includes the first three episodes, two of which are new and improved over the previous iterations.

Choice Driven Dialogue

It has the conversations and relationship-building from the old game, plus new RPG features to make the game more complex. You can gain XP and level up to build your character, and your stats affect how you are able to achieve certain outcomes. Like levelling up your Computers skill will allow you to auto-attempt hacking and succeed.

Angelshire Mountain Cabin

People who purchase the game now, will have all future updates for free and will have the opportunity to shape the game as it develops. Any and all feedback will be listened to, and I will take that into account to further improve the game.

Future plans: I have plans to finish the last 9 episodes, which will include more quests, more opportunities to use your stats and more complex combat encounters.

The blueprints have already been done, including a good chunk of the levels.

Angelshire Lake

De Feet can be purchased here.

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