The Feed Back From The First Alpha
We had great feedback from reviewers and the community on the first alpha thank you.
Using this feed back we looked into what was wanted the most and and improve on it
so we have done exactly that.
Texture Resolution
we had some people asking if the texture quality will be improved before release
The answer is yes.
by splitting the textures into 4 textures all with a resolution on 4096x4096 and using a custom shader we had some great results as shown in the image below and in the image gallery
As you can see the texture quality has had quite a makeover.
Alpha Pre-Order Coming Soon To GamersGate
After the releasing the alpha and starting the Steam Greenlight campaign we got in touch
with GamersGate to see if we could run an Alpha Pre-Oder with then with great results as they have said yes and will be running the Pre-Order as soon as the alpha is ready.
Thanks again for following the project.
Gorgeous work man :)