Well, it's finally done. CSS:RPG v1.0.3 is now (after a month and a half) finally released! Here's the changelog for v1.0.3:
CSS:RPG v1.0.3
- Added Denial Upgrade (Original UT2004RPG Skill)
- Added FrostPistol Upgrade
- Modified IceStab to lower sensitivity on frozen players
- Added CVAR cssrpg_icestab_limit_dmg to limit inflicted damage on frozen players from anything other than the knife
- Icestabbed victims will not be able to IceStab other players until unfrozen
- Added 22 new console commands for CSS:RPG, use rpg_help for a list
- Added CVARs cssrpg_<upgrade>_maxlevel to decrease or increase the maximum level for an Upgrade
- Added cssrpg_bot_maxlevel to control the maximum level a bot can attain before its stats are reset
- Added support for HintText-style Experience notices
- Added CVAR cssrpg_exp_notice to enable/disable the hint text notices
- Added Multi-Language support with some language configs included: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Hungerian
- Added CVAR cssrpg_default_lang to set the default language for the server
- Bug Fix: Level 1 players will be deleted if they haven't played for 3 days
- Bug Fix: LongJump Exploit
- Bug Fix: cssrpg.db on Linux will now automaticly be removed to the cstrike/cfg/cssrpg directory
Head on over to the files section on CSS:RPG's site to download CSS:RPG v1.0.3
A special thanks goes to:
Iceman (theicy.net) - for providing CSS:RPG with a Linux test server
The Language Translators:
Rebell - for providing the German CSS:RPG translation
estomped - for providing the Spanish CSS:RPG translation
michel21 - for providing the French CSS:RPG translation
nonnopentola - for providing the Italian CSS:RPG translation
Slimer - for providing the Hungerian CSS:RPG translation
awuh0 and Mani for helping me out with some coding aspects of CSS:RPG