Post news RSS Creating Level5, while tinkering with other Levels

Still working on level5. I've made an arranged version of the evil ninja suicide animation.

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Hello there! I am still working on level5.
It's hard to create a good flow line of gameplay. It's a factory or base or some facility that I'm not sure what it is. At first, I was considering a map with a large area for flexible combat, but then I got a lot of ideas and changed direction. I don't want to make a map that is just too big, scattered, and boring.

level5 Zilla's facility

The level 6 map that follows will be an environment centered on nature and old houses (ruins?). I want to create a map with a different atmosphere from the one that has been created for facilities and indoors.

I've made an altered version of the evil ninja suicide animation. When I get tired of looking at the map editor, I change my mood by tweaking the art files. I am going to modify the art files more and more.

level5 start point

To keep the Shadow Warrior feel, I like to change the art file a bit while keeping the atmosphere of the original. I might make a comparison image of the original and the altered version like other people's mod pages.

level3 underground

Sorry for the rambling content.

I'll see you soon.

MrRumbleRoses - - 451 comments

i gotta admit. when i saw the name of this. i was thinking of another Doki Doki related thing, but i look forward to seeing how things turn out with this

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hxixdxy Author
hxixdxy - - 36 comments

I don't know what the original (famous) Doki Doki is, but this mod could be hardcore for the silly name. Thanks!

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MrRumbleRoses - - 451 comments

well, i don't know if you heard of Doki Doki Literature Club. but that was the thing i was talking about. anyway hope things turn out well for the mod. but anyway, best of luck on this mod. i've not played a SW mod in ages, so i'm curious to see what this will be like

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hxixdxy Author
hxixdxy - - 36 comments

I don't know what direction the final mod will take. I'm making maps haphazardly and without much planning. It's going to be amateurish and weird, so for now, a silly name suits it :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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