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Check out the CaC-System (Create-a-Class-System) for the Bloodrayne Mod!

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Hey all!

In this post i want to know which cac-system you would prefer!
But lets start from the beginning. I finished the basisstructure for a dynamically working cac-system for cod2. You will be able to choose from different primary weapontypes (semi-rifles, assault-rifles, sniper, rifles, lmg, smg, etc...) and also your secondary weapon. In addition to that you can select your lethal & tactical equipment, three perks and your streaks. It is also managed, so that you can unlock all these items/weapons upon a specific level, or use it without this option.

So the question is: what would YOU like to see?
Do you:
- want to have a more static cac-system like in CoD:WAW, or
- a dynamic one like in CoD:MW2?

This will be only the layout, the colors/design will NOT be the same as in the mentioned CoD-games.

So it depends on you! :)

small explanation :p

CoD:WAW sytsem: everytime you click on, for example the primary menu, it opens a complete new menu with all the primary classes and closes the main cac menu, so you dont see any longer your edited class:

CoD:MW2 system: everytime you open here your primary menu, a popupmenu will appear as a toplayer above your cac-main menu (cac-main still visible):

Edit 2:

i guess you prefer the mw2-styled one, so i will create this one, if there will be more votes for the waw one, i will recreate it ;)

Jyrx - - 137 comments

I would say MW2. But i don't actually know what those systems and dynamics mean :D

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