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Keen Software House draws great pleasure from introducing the company on a personal level to our fans, customers and interested parties.

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    Keen Software House draws great pleasure from introducing the company on a personal level to our fans, customers and interested parties.

    So this week we’re taking a retrospective approach to the PR, and plotting the progression of the company from its infancy. It has been an interesting ride and there’s a long way to go, but as they say – “when in Rome, don’t build it in a day, or else all roads will lead there.”


    Marek Rosa, a veteran programmer devises a game which focuses on giving efficacy to programmers, prioritising strength of coding over artistic facets.

    Musing over what is absent from the market, an idea for a game with six axes movement and destructible environments arises. A simple proof demo is devised and created using both OpenGL and C++.

    A rudimentary engine is coded together, as well as a program which allows the user to mosey around the inside of an asteroid destroying aspects of the environment.

    In the search for employment and food, he turns to freelance programming, and assigns the vocational venture to part-time status.


    Still performing freelance and contract work, Marek continues with his side project late into the night. Like Bruce Wayne with an indifference towards the crime of Gotham city. He saves not maidens, but capital, waiting until he’s raised enough to work full-time on his new entertainment enterprise.

    The original project receives massive overhauls in sophistication and scope.

    The engine VRAGE is coined. An engine developed solely by and for Keen Software House.


    Marek Rosa embarks upon the project full-time, lifting a solitary finger to the corporate machine - also a reliable wage. He creates his own company, Keen Software House, and sets upon realising his prospects of authoring a video game. Propped up at his desk, he dims the lights and vigorously thrusts out lines of code from his programming loins.

    Miner Wars is officially in production.

    ‘Phase Two’ begins. Implemented in C# and XNA, the game takes advantage of advanced rendering capabilities on a wide range of graphical hardware.

    Targeted for the PC and Xbox 360 platforms, gameplay will include both single player and MMO versions in a realistic sci-fi setting.

    The name Miner Wars is chosen for the franchise.

2009 is established.

    An online community is built up. Forums, participation, social endearing and audience input are put forward in a cunning marketing model.

    Marek – still a one-man team – makes a trailer for his game and uploads it to Youtube.

    Dan Wentz, a pre-eminent composer and audio director for dozens of video games, stumbles upon the video and supposes it to be a sequel to Descent – a game that he had previously worked on. E-mails and compromising photos are exchanged; and within a few weeks Dan becomes the second member of the team.


    Team members are actively recruited in April: Slobodan Stevic, Michal Stefan, Nick Miller, Richard Waldron, Thomas McInturf, Piotr Szekalski, and Adam Smithare of particular note. Marek Rosa employs programmers, designers, art specialists, writers, producers and administrators to work on a voluntary basis. They were likewise hopeful for the endeavour, dedicating thousands of collective hours inbelief in the project’s imminent success – if not a somewhat perturbed by Marek’s dark sense of humour.

    The first title is proclaimed Miner Wars 2081.

    Marek collaborates on a book for advanced programming.

    In October the Pre-Alpha is pre-released at a 70% discount to allay costs, an alleviation which allows for continued production. The response is vastly beyond what is predicted, and thousands of Euros pour in each day.


    The gameplay demo is released. Many customers are pleased with the demo and sales hit a new record high. Upgrade to a new storage server on account of higher fan traffic.


    Miner Wars 2081 is expected to release in late December of 2011, available at Steam, IGN’s Direct to Drive, and many other trusted distributers.

    The Miner Wars MMO will be developed after this release.

    Sequels and a streamlining of devotee-based mods are planned for the not too distant future. After the retail release, sequels will begin production concurrently with Xbox Live and mobile media versions of the game.

    Ruthlessand passionate in his ambitious goals for the Miner Wars franchise; Founder Marek Rosa is intent on getting his goods into your lap.


    A reminder to fans, on Saturday afternoons PST, we will host meetings open to the public. There will be a commentary followed by a Q&A session. You are free to voice your opinions on the game or facilitate any curiosities.

    US: Pacific Standard Time – Noon, Saturday
    Eastern Time – 3 pm

    EU: Prague Time – 9pm, Saturday

Marek Rosa
CEO & Founder
Keen Software House


  • Every Saturday, members of the Miner Wars 2081 development hold meetings for live feedback from the community.
    Details here:
  • Keen Software House is looking for feedback on a new "catchphrase" for the game.
    Details here:


    The game is still available for a 70% discount. This package includes free access to the current build, and free updates to the engine until the final stages of production.
    To take advantage of this offer while it's still hot, visit the Miner Wars

    Don't forget, if you're strapped for cash, there are plenty of ways to earn a free copy of the game:

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