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Some significant Concordant Mod gameplay details. Another portion.

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As mentioned before, Concordant Mod aims to return to the first Dawn of War mostly, with a longer technical progress; and it of course raises the importance of each level, with longer battles and more time spending for every Tier. According to this, Mod increases the number of useful units, possibilities and tactics for every Tier... So there will be more battles (on small maps for example) without using high levels T-3 and T-4, because they are not necessary to win. High levels in Concordant Mod are mainly intended for long fights and big maps with more elite troops and ‘heavy tanks’.

That also means T-4 Relic-Units: their appearance on the battlefield changes more than in the original, they are stronger, and they are much more useful for their specialized purposes. However, all of them are much more expensive, longer and require more control and a good timing to be the most effective. Concordant Mod also brings MORE relic-units, so You always need to choose which one is better for your actual strategy&units and for the situation on the battlefield now. And this choice is a really vital gameplay element, because uber-units are really different in characteristics and opportunities, and the wrong choice can make your uber-unit absolutely useless. Check this several examples.

Necrons: Restored Monolith/Pylon/Aeonic Orb


Necron's gameplay feature means quite similar units in a high weapon effectiveness against all targets, but very different tactics. Familiar from the original Monolith is a multipurpose unit, with increased hitpoints (and decreased Hp for evacuation) and abilities boosting its vitality and own troops reinforce, it can be a good attack shield for your army. Pylon, as the core of your defending line, combines a high damage and a really big fire range with serious energy expenses for every shot, for every jumping and for its special ability. Pretty little (to be logical and balanced well) and unstable Aeonic Orb has low hitpoints but CRITICAL(!!) damage skills; it’s also quite dangerous for your own forces too and requires a high micro-control.

IG: Baneblade/Shadowsword/Stormlord


Radically different situation, with highly specialized heavy tanks. Their hitpoints are 25% reduced and the price is higher, so now it’s very important to use your heavy tank right!! Baneblade’s weapon wants to destroy enemy vehicles and makes it great, but compared with the original it is not so effective against troops. Stormlord is ready to do an antipodal job of killing A LOT of infantry, but it’s helpless against vehicles. Shadowsword is a trump against big Daemons and high-armored targets, but its defensive weaponary is weak and You need to control it closely. 5 different types of Leman Russ tank can be combined with every super-heavy without restriction, for getting the most effective combination.

Stormlord + Vanquisher + Vanquisher + Eradicator. Baneblade + Conqueror + Conqueror + Punisher. Etc...

Inquisition: Land Raider Redeemer/Living Saint/Judgment Chair


Sister’s Living Saint gets new damage abillties and friends aura for keeping its efficiency high enough with new realities. It also combines well with Sisters Vengeance Angels and gets additional bonuses for your Canoness and more Faith resource. Judgment Chair is the final Ordo Hereticus argument, its characteristics are inadequate for the relic unit, but its orbital strikes and shooting abilities are almost permanent! Just keep enough resources to pay for this beauty. But of course JC will always be a primary target for your enemy. Grey Knght’s Land Raider is just the most durable heavy vehicle of the game with 12.300 hitpoints and improved armour; Redeemer will deliver the squad in any place despite of any enemy fire. On the other hand Redeemer doesn’t have its own outstanding firepower, comparing with Space Marines Land Raiders, so it should be complemented correctly.

Orkz: Squiggoth/Battlefortress


Units for two different gameplay models in T-4. Squiggoth doesn’t transport squads any more and now it’s a unit for mainly breaking through the enemy defense and crushing the base. Note that its attack and rampage became more realistic: it hits the radius, not a point; its attack count reduced, but the real damage efficiency grown up. Squiggoth is now a ‘monster_med’ type of armour, but it has DAMN 18.500 hitpoints! However, the most logical feature is an enemy morale rate reduction by Squiggoth appearance))

Battlefortress is a mighty transport, able to hold heavy units like Nobz and Mega Nobz, and also produce Slugga squads right among the battlefield. It carries much more firepower than Squiggoth, and gives an effective fire support. Despite of the relic unit status, Battlefortress is ‘vehicle_med’ vehicle; so it also has a lot of hitpoints but all melee walkers are very dangerous for it. And You must secure it attentively.

Etc. Im not writing more because all other races have a similar principle in that question. But maybe I’ll write about them too, later.

DaBadRommel - - 21 comments

I like this kit. so what about marines?

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DooMGuy141 - - 466 comments

I like all the ideas so far except for the IG's reduced hit points for tanks. It really does not make much sense since a Baneblade is suppose to be far more heavily armored then a land raider. The difference being is that Baneblades or any super heavy tank was rare and difficult to field. I think the IG super heavies need to have more armor then space marine vehicles but at a steeper price and long production time.

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toyebo - - 75 comments

hey are the tyranids going to be in the mod

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ralph777 - - 652 comments

I hope Tyranids will be included in DOW 2 models.

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