Post news RSS Community: Meet Dev Journals And pr_efreeti! As promised - Developer Journals! If you take a look at our news forum, you'll likely notice the new category: Developer Journals. This is to keep you guys right up to speed with what's going on with HIPR. Expect (and demand!) frequent updates in this area, as we do have a duty

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As promised - Developer Journals!
If you take a look at our news forum, you'll likely notice the new category: Developer Journals. This is to keep you guys right up to speed with what's going on with HIPR. Expect (and demand!) frequent updates in this area, as we do have a duty to keep you guys informed. So far eight developers have opted to start their journals, and you can expect to see more crop up over time.

Finally, the part you've been waiting for, the promised media update. This week in HIPR news:

Our excellent and highly motivated mapper twanG has been working extra hard to get pr_efreeti underway. If you've played Hostile Intent for th HL1 engine you will remember the furious street battles that take place in this map. He has some plans to expand on that in the Source engine, and you can read all about it in his developer journal. Check out his latest WIP screenshots:

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For high-res, widescreen versions of those same screenshots, wander on over to twanG's dev journal. Of course you can see all our media at our media page at any time. Expect to see more there in the near future.

Want to work with the HIPR team?
As a community project, HIPR is always happy to receive an offer of help from anybody willing to contribute. At the moment we're looking for mappers in particular. If you have any experience doing Source engine mapping, HIPR has great programming support and we have a talented team of modelers, we'd love to hear from you. Get in touch with me at and visit our website at

I'll have a more detailed progress update sometime next week. We've got a lot going on at HIPR and we'll be keeping you guys up to date as development moves along. Stay tuned folks!

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