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Hello again from the SF team. We're swiftly moving along the progression ladder and coming close to actually having a full playable mod. Michael right now is in the Animation workshop and being done by a great animator named Diesel. The code is being done by another great guy Son-Goku. Both are from

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Hello again from the SF team.

We're swiftly moving along the progression ladder and coming close to actually having a full playable mod.

Michael right now is in the Animation workshop and being done by a great animator named Diesel.

The code is being done by another great guy Son-Goku. Both are from Ninja-Densetsu (check links for there site)

Characters Lee and Suzanne have been optimised for Quake 3 and are also on the animation list.

Lately I've been working on prefabs for an actual map for Winter Forever.

Here's a Little taste of pictures soon to come.

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