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We are in the strong need for a capable HL2:Source Coder who wants to support us on our last steps to release. Please apply.

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Hello everyone,

Sorry for not keeping you updated, we are continuously hard working to get this thing together and release it.

However, we are in the strong need for a capable HL2:Source Coder who wants to support us on our last steps to release. We already got a few very good applications but however, no coder was among it.

So if you feel you have the talent and want to help releasing a beautiful title like this, please apply ASAP to:

sander_martin (at)

Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments

Wow, really? There's so many coders available. Try to post on the jobs board, and I thought you guys had people from CryTek working on this, thought you'd never have to find people to work on it.

Also, check the Valve Developer website, there are a list of links of modder related websites, for one of my favorite mods I posted a few requests around and got one in a few days, so just do that.

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Dieblein Author
Dieblein - - 181 comments

Well the guy from crytek is not a coder :-)

Thank you!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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