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“Into the Belly of the Beast” is a 3D action-adventure game with a two-dimensional playing field where you jump into the role of Sploosh, a seaworm who is heading out to bring back his swallowed children out of the belly of a gigantic waterbeast. On your journey through the diverse and unique locations of its guts, you make use of the given properties of this special environment to solve physic- and bodyelement puzzles. Master fights against DNA based enemies in creative and inventive ways.

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blog movement

As promised last week we proudly present you our Hero: Sploosh

More Artworks will be added soon. You can see this content as something like a teaser. We appreciate all the support and hope that you guys enjoy this very first sneak peek!

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The video shows our hero moving through an unknown liquid. The viscosity settings are working pretty well.
The Movement animation of Sploosh was a tough task. He is swimming through high-viscosity levels that have an immense impact on his motion sequences. If he goes for a full brake we can't let him stop immediatly. That would not be consistent at all. Same goes for curves. As Newton told us (Law of inertia), Sploosh has to be pulled away from his initial path. Finding a way of designing his movements as realistic as possible sounds easier as it actually is.

This is our first shot, so be gentle :)

As mentioned before, this is only a sneak peek, more information will be added soon, expect the next update tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!

Jetcutter - - 762 comments

It's a good start!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
LuckyBROGRAMS Author
LuckyBROGRAMS - - 1 comments

Thanks a lot!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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