Post news RSS CnC5RS: Story-Line rewritten concept...

This is a proposed new write-up for the story-line, so I'd like your views.

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Global Defence Initiative (GDI)
GDI Division - ZOCOM
GDI Division - Steel Talons

Civilisation Conservation Society (CCS)
CCS Division - Planetary Defence Ministry (PDM)
CCS Division - Department of Planetary Health and Preservation (DPHP)

Scrinomian Inter-Galactic Empire (Scrin)
Scrin Division - Traveller 88
Scrin Division - Reaper 13

Story Prologue (Organised by Faction colour):

After NOD is confirmed to have left Earth, the United Nations sees no reason for the Global Defence Initiative to exist any longer. This is compounded by Colonel James and her actions in regard to the TCN project and she is Court Martialed and dishonourably discharged with her rank and honours completely removed. As a result, she is published to the world as a traitor to Earth and the Human race. GDI is fully disbanded, with each division being demilitarised. ZOCOM is amongst those officially disbanded, however the Civilisation Conservation Society takes the employees of the ZOCOM division into its own ranks. Carefully ensuring not to pick up any would-be traitors along the way, the commander (the player) is given a choice. Prove oneself by stripping a GDI convoy of stolen weapons and bring it to its knees by capturing the transports. In a race against time, the commander has to locate all of the possible exit paths and block them. This serves as the Tutorial Mission, learning how to control troops and how to target enemies. Also how the MCV's work and different types, and how these types operate. As the CCS has access to the flying MCV (from CnC4TT GDI Support Crawler), of course it's had some modifications done to it since the Ascension Conflict. CCS MCV's can avoid Anti-Air by hovering just above the ground, Scrin MCV's can phase out and into a new location nearby while GDI MCV's are true to the MCV VII design and have the ability to crawl from place to place... mmm... cough... Technology fundamentals are covered in some detail, from GDI's incessant use of Mechanised units and Walkers, to the CCS and their Hover-Tech blended with an Air Superiority complex, to the Scrin (trust the CCS to have information on how the Scrin operate).

An uprising lead by none other than Colonel James herself leads to more procured weapons and assets. In the GDI Campaign, the commander is expected to assist in the efforts of getting GDI personal out of the facility undetected. These GDI personal are loyal to the Colonel, and many of them are personal from the formerly known Steel Talons Division.

This is but a sample of the story, and yes, this means that playable factions will be restricted to GDI (which everybody knows), Scrin (that is from CnC3TW and KW) and the awaited CCS faction that nobody knows yet. This rewrite excludes NOD from the multi-player and the previously anticipated Forgotten faction will yet again be reduced to not being a playable faction in its own right. The United Nations will be a single-player faction only featuring as a valid target for annihilation or protection dependant upon what faction you're playing as. (spoilers) The Forgotten, NOD and UN factions will now be known as single-player content until I can stabilise the new factions above the 3 playable faction limit. This means the CCS faction will be playable and have its own HUD and GUI.

Pending Tech-Tree information for all 3 playable factions
Pending Tech-Tree information for NOD single-player faction
Pending Details for the Scrinomian Inter-Galactic Empire
Pending Details for the Scrinomian Royal Family

CommieDog - - 110 comments

Maybe this is just me, but I always thought of Nod as being split between a Seth faction whose goal is to oppose everything that GDI represents and a Kane faction that follows Kane in pursuit of his enigmatic goals, even when they seem insane (or seem to benefit GDI). While Nod is arguably more powerful than GDI, this split between mundane and spiritual matters makes Nod unstable and always proves its undoing.

My memory is a little hazy on the plot details of C&C 4, but I don't remember all of Nod ascending with Kane. I thought that Kane only took those that truly believed in him and left the faithless behind (such as the infamous Nodbro).

If I'm right, that would leave a radically different Nod behind, and I would like to see that explored. Would Nod resume its feud with GDI, or try to make peace?

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