Post news RSS CMM v 3.2 Beta Released

CMM v 3.2 has been released. Mostly its an update for the Keeper AI. They now have a tech tree and build everything from AttackDroids to Dreadnaughts. The super ships such as the Dreadnaught and Heavydestroyer take a long time to build though so you'll need to get numbers up on them. CMM v 3.2

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CMM v 3.2 has been released. Mostly its an update for the Keeper AI. They now have a tech tree and build everything from AttackDroids to Dreadnaughts. The super ships such as the Dreadnaught and Heavydestroyer take a long time to build though so you'll need to get numbers up on them.

CMM v 3.2 is a Member Only Beta so you need to login to download it.
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