Post news RSS Closing for now... but we will be back!

We need to store away this mod due to some complications among the group. But... we have a plan. And we will return with hopefully something great.

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We apologize for this, but it needs to be done for now. This mod is not dead, but dormant for now, and will eventually return with a lot of updated things. Our group is splintering right now, and we think it's for the best that we do so. We will probably produce less ambitious mods for the time being, and soon get back to this one once we have some experience with modding.

So, to kind of sum it up, taking on such an ambitious and large project like this as a small team doesn't really work. Although, that doesn't mean we're stopping this forever, it just means we need to wait on it until we can understand as a team what we are doing. So, we're gonna archive the mod until 2016 comes around, and then we'll be back in business and finally meeting our goals and ambitions with this project.

We promise you we'll be back with new content in 2016! Goodbye for now!

RykahKnight - - 146 comments

Awww, such a shame. At least this mod isn't being totally canned. Well, for the time being, anyway...

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SPY-maps - - 2,912 comments

Thanks for letting us know, i know its hard to decide to stop but its best when there is no real development anymore. Its very hard to get a team together, a good one that is. ANd it is even more difficult to keep them together and productive. Maybe you could decide to work alone, this way to you need to depent anymore on other members. I decide to do so years ago and it worked very well for me.

Anyway, thanks for what you showed us and much success with future projects, and...... NEVER GIVE UP MAPPING/MODDING!!

a fellow mapper. modder,

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