Post news RSS Client 1.6.4 Patch Update

Small patch release to fix up a couple of bugs as well as an update to the highlighting system when decorating.

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Client 1.6.4 - Patch Update

Note: For users experiencing issues with Sunset Isle after the update please do a Force Re-Install from the launcher.

Object Highlighting

When in decorate mode the highlighting effect will now highlight not just the object you moved your mouse over, but also any objects connected to that object. This is a simple, but effective change that better illustrates exactly what you'll be effecting should you chose to move/rotate/scale that object.

Cave Journals

We updated the visual effect of the journals in the abandoned mine to make them more noticeable and hopefully encourage users to click on them and learn a bit about the mystery that surrounds the abandoned mine.

Please read the release notes below for all of the changes/fixes in this update.

Release Notes


- Decorate Mode: Mousing over an object will highlight both the object as well as all objects connected to it

- Added particle effect to journals in the abandoned cave to make them more noticeable

- Map icon tooltips now have a background graphic to make them easier to read


- Market item gifting now works correctly

- Market items no longer lose interactivity when placing them on another object (ie placing a mannequin on another placed product)

- Take off button in avatar item inventories now works as expected

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