Post news RSS Clan Quest Mod - 'Lets Play' Videos

Let's Play Videos will be released for CQM in celebration of the release of version 2.1 of the mod.

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So, it's just over a week since the release of Clan Quest Mod 2.1 and almost 2000 downloads already! I am so excited that so many people are enjoying the mod. Thank you everyone for your support. In celebration of the release of version 2.1, I've begun releasing a series of videos in the 'Let's Play...' format. They highlight the Clan Quest content one quest at a time, from start to finish. This is a great format for people that just want to see the new material, and not necessarily play the game, and an even better medium for getting feedback about the individual quest details.

Anyways, the first two videos, the Brujah and Gangrel quests, are already up on Youtube and will be posted here on moddb as well. Keep your eyes open in the coming weeks to see more videos as they come out!

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