Art Dev Journal
This week we finished up the rest of the character race concepts for the next project but unfortunately that’ll have to remain under wraps for now.
Coding gave us a brand new GUI editor to play around with so that we can design a better ergonomic GUI for the game. It’s quite a nifty tool but we’re all still learning how to use it this week. This means we can also try out different arrangements to find out what players like more. In the past, it took us quite a long time to come up with mock-ups and a lot of coordination had to go on between 2D and Coding; I think this will definitely help with bringing up efficiency in delivering the GUI for test purposes and for new functions. It is definitely more productive and really helps with organization.
Originally, the design for the character creator was like creating a passport but this is so different to the current GUI and other options that it has been cancelled. You can check out the mock-up here:
It’s a pity but we just couldn’t get it to fit in properly. In the future we’ll be aiding Design with coming up with some new ideas for the character creation. We’ve also been helping out with designing a few banners and fun trinkets for Mechanist Games’ Christmas party on Friday. It’ll be good to celebrate as a team!
I bet you thought we forgot about those disgusting toilets shown in the concept art last week, well we haven’t and we finished them up as well as a few other interesting ones.
While we were creating these all week we haven’t had a chance to tackle other things that we’ve mentioned before such as modifying the race and NPC models. But we’re all working overtime to finish all these house system objects before Christmas since we have a long list of other things to complete before we head to GDC in San Francisco!
We’ll be working hard on a few other tasks like armor upgrades (potentially) and a special scene while players are logging-in to spruce up the general look, in the future.
Go to our Developer Journal Page to check everything we've done in a week.