Post news RSS City of Ruins Update #1

Updating you all on what I'm doing with my new map

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Here's a small update from me. I'm busy with creating this City of Ruins map at the moment. It's going by good. As I'm learning UDK more, I am putting it in the map. I also released a video on here, so make sure to check it out to see what is happening so far in the level.

After this, I am hoping to make it as a small game level. I might create another level so it wouldn't be the only one. I'm thinking of having it as a team deathmatch type of mode. But, it may be better as a Deathmatch.

Currently, I am working on the shops. I'm finish with the park area, but I'm just going to add small touches to it(Like leaves and corrosion). I want to add fog, but that may be too far. If I do that, though, I will not add it in the game mode. When I'm finished with the map, I plan to have it downloaded to this page so you can walk around it.

Here is some pics and a video to show off the level

The park side of CoR

Building Side

Quick Glimpse of City of Ruins - Indie DB

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