Before we begin, we'd like to apologize for our lack of updates. All of us have been pretty busy with our lives but we manage to work on Zombie Master 2 when we can.
Client-side animation
Much like Team Fortress 2's animation system, all animation is processed by the client. This allows for smoother animation and requires little data from the server.
NPCs are now able to reroute accordingly to their needs as well as utilize navigational meshes. If NPC A were to be blocked by NPC B, NPC A will disable any collisions with NPC B and ingore NPC B for the time being. If the NPC was in a crowded area, it will try to line up with the other NPCs. If the NPC were blocked by props, the NPC would check if the prop was small enough to be pushed away. After analyzing the blocker entity, the NPC will generate a number of paths until it finds one suitable for navigation.
By default NPCs transmit data the client doesn't necessarily need. If there were several zombies transmitting this data, it would take a toll on networking. Because of this, certain data transmissions were disabled as well as limited data sizes.
Senses and Priorities
Several modifications and improvements have been made to the AI such as better player awareness and organized combat states. Zombies are only concerned with two things, the Zombie Master's orders and the players.
trigger_win : A trigger volume that only lets survivors within it win.
logic_zmtimer : An easy to use, fully customizable timer that also has HUD display (mm:ss)
trigger_explosionblock : A trigger volume that stops ZM explosions and/or game explosions from occuring.
info_weaponspawn : Spawns a random weapon of any category of your choosing.
func_zmclip : Blocks ZM movement.
info_player_deathmatch : Added a keyvalue "hasFlashlight" to determine whether the player spawns with a flashlight or not.
info_zombiespawn : Added a keyvalue "nodeless" to active nodeless spawning.
New Weapons
Custom Weapons
Mappers are now able to add their own weapons to the maps by changing a weapon's keyvalues and compiling the map with the custom weapon content. Shown here is a custom weapon set up to behave like the AR2 from Half-life 2.
Network LOD : If the client is beyond the transmitting entity's reach, no data will be sent unless the entity is within the client's POV.
Max Renderable Distance : Determines what renders in the client's POV.
Sudden Death : When the alive survivor count drops to a low number, the ZM is rewarded 2.0x resources. This helps increase the difficulty of the game and keeps rounds moving nicely.
Shadows : Added POV check, uncapped depth map resolution, adjusted shadow filtering, fixed translucent depth mapping.
Weapon Effects : Gun smoke, bleedout, and directional damage forces for melee weapons.
We are still looking for organic artists!
We will be revealing more in a couple of weeks, so stay tuned!
Happy Holidays,
From the ZM2 Development Team
It is worth the wait, looking forward to test it if you need more computers o/
Great news, used to love playing ZM years ago. If you got a good player as the ZM it was a really tense game, but there were a lot of laughs to be had too. Looking forward to this.
Can't wait for this to release.
Slowly but surely !
Good to see you still here.
its about time! :P
Still wish they implented some kind of respawn system, I guess thats up for the server owners.
I love playing as zombie master and I can make the survivor respawn constantly, alot more fun playing as ZM then.
I lost all hope, but you bring it back, thanks!
Pretty awesome!
Good to see you guys alive :D
What a great update to hear this holiday.
What a suprise, the best mod ever created for half-life 2 re-emerges!
And no video ????
Great job guys, hope to see more soon.
when can we get alpha access or beta w/e i want to know if possible.
So, I'm guessing you guys aren't going to let all of that effort go to waste... Good :)
organic artists? i am a concept artist myself, I just never heard that term before.
when it is brand new