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So...We have started this program as a mod for sweaw foc.But...

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But...But here we are whit some changes...One day I was plaing Kotor 2 and i started thinking:How cool it would be to actualy be able to control Naga Sadow,comand hole armys,or be an republic solider,in the war,and rise to become actualy a general...So I decided to make my mod a RPG game...There might actualy a Foc mod too,administrated by Nagasadow12 ,not sure for the moment...So if you want to join the mod,or have any idees,just pm me...You know it...You love it...

Beskamir - - 7,112 comments

That would be so cool...besides I think that there are enough foc mods. I mean I still haven't beaten 10% of the games I have (mods including) but RPG games, exspecaily mods make it to the top of the list since I am kind of sick and tired of rts games so I personally rather RPG, now I am not an expert but if you need help with textures, then I would try my best to help u assuming that we will be using swkotor game engine...that's the only game I kind of modified :) but I hope that u will be succesful, with this asome mod....also I really hate the fact that nobody has created an game durring the hyperspace war!! So this mod means a lot to me!

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Tover87 - - 3,181 comments

Of course we have no choice but to use that engine. We would first strip away uneeded materials such as characters in the original Kotor 2 game. We would then focus on modeling new characters, creating and expansive story line and quests. For now however which game we will do this mod for is under major discussion. We might do both in fact. A kotor mod team will be set up and anyone that does not transfer to the kotor mod team will work on the FOC version. That is my idea of working on 2 seperate games.

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Beskamir - - 7,112 comments

Good idea but we could try using the Jedi knight 3 engine, (have you seen Jedi knight galaxies, it's a mod on moddb) but I personally would rather use swkotor engine. But there are other eniges that we could consider, it just might be fps instead of RPG, and I would rather RPG!!

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