Post news RSS Call for alpha testers and release of the mod's source code

The mod is now in a semi-playable state, so I'm starting the call for everyone interested in alpha testing.

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When I created this mod I've been promising a closed alpha by the end of last month, so here it is (a bit overdue, perhaps).

Everyone interested in helping improve and hunt all the bugs is more than welcome to send me an email to with the subject "Conquest mod alpha testing". In this mail you're to make your case explaining why you think you're fit to be an alpha tester.

I'm also open for new recruits to help developing the mod. If you want in, you don't have to know to mod, model or script, all I really need is committed people with time and dedication to help me brainstorm, point out design flaws and come up with new ideas and useful criticism of the mod.

I'm also releasing the source code of the mod. Please know that with the source code alone you won't be able to play the mod, you'll need a couple of textures and models I'd only be releasing to the alpha
testers. That way I won't be spoiling the mod for everyone. The actual reason of this open source thing is to have alpha testers know when a new version is available and have it available for modders to
take a look at.

The SVN url of the project and it's rss feed has been posted on the mod's front page.

Looking forward from hearing from you,

---Taurus Group Senior Coder---
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