Post news RSS BZ2k4 Suspended

Due to bigger projects and projects that make money I'll have to suspend bz2k4 until further notice. Things, which the mod does have, were a targeting system (with next and previous targets) as well as a separated Crosshair setup from what Unreal was using. Tanks are imported but the unreal hovercraft

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Due to bigger projects and projects that make money I'll have to suspend bz2k4 until further notice.

Things, which the mod does have, were a targeting system (with next and previous targets) as well as a separated Crosshair setup from what Unreal was using.

Tanks are imported but the unreal hovercraft are annoying and I have to rewrite most of it in order to make it work like the original Battlezone game and this would take way to long to do.

But thanks to those who visited the forum and have given there help in this project maybe see you guys on the Unreal 3.0 engine if I have time to mod on it anyway.

Posting what images I do have completed and renderings of vehicles.

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