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Progress on cities and building models. We need architecture modelers and texturers!

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So I've begun building Vertisa! So far, we have the arena (like a gym in pokemon), the science center (where the player receives their first monster and their game intro), and some shopping places. But I'm stuck on misc buildings. I KNOW you all want a preview, so here's where Vertisa is at so far (I warn you, it's gruesome!):

Hey, I can see my house from here!

Hahaha, so we can all have a laugh at indie's expense since this is my working copy. Ignore the fact that the world ends.

So yeah, we're looking for some artists to help out! Our biggest need right now is texture artists. We'll need someone that can do realistic textures on these buildings. Keep in mind that the style is cyberpunk/retro futuristic/??? So neon colors, metal, (there are places made specifically for hologram adverts) and other things with bells and whistles are a big must. Someone that can unwrap to UV themselves is also a huge plus.

We also need modelers. We don't have a specific style, but obviously, it has to work with what we currently have. Since I work at a pretty casual pace myself, I don't expect you to have all the time in the world; however, I do ask that you keep me updated! A nice casual 2 hours a week is all I'm asking.

For those of you tracking us and thinking we've fallen off the face of the earth, fear not! We're back in the swing at school (it only took 2 months!) and ready to attack new tasks head on. This isn't to say that suddenly we're vacant of university responsibilities, but there's a bit of a lull, so you can expect to see a few updates here and there!


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