Post news RSS Build Release and Sprint summaries - 2/5/2016

Build release notes for Simulacra for the week of the 5th in February. Summary of finished sprint and build changes, as well as plans for upcoming sprint.

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Hey all!

There is a new build available for download and though not wildly different from the last one in terms of content it should be much more solid and stable. This last week marked the end of the game’s first real sprint and I have to say I’m quite happy with way it turned out. The sprints highlights were:

  • Complete greyblock meshes made for both Base and Wilderness maps. (A rough estimate of about 60-80 meshes)
  • Shoreline map proxied in for multidestination travel and future gameplay testing.
  • Complete refactoring of character resources and other attributes to make the data more accessible and less prone to loss.
  • Loose optimization pass to maintain reasonable playability
  • UI and other player experience work.

So moving forward I will try to maintain this kind of month long sprint schedule to keep pushing development forward as aggressively as possible and keep myself accountable for the work I have allotted. For this upcoming sprint I will be focusing almost entirely on gameplay and other design systems, either planning them on paper or implementing prototype versions to test directly in game. The main thrust of the work will be focused on improving implementation of the game’s “hacking” as it is a central pillar, and fleshing out the design of the base management.

I’ve already blocked out all the work so we will see how I do against my timing estimates. I’m also hoping to squeeze some less glamorous but still desired work like implementing game options and video settings to continue to make the game more and more accessible by all.

So as always, please play the build and leave me feedback, and have a fantastic weekend! - CJ

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