Post news RSS Build 7 of Readpt is here!

This is the biggest update yet and I'd love to get more feedback on the changes!

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Build 7 of Readapt is finally done, I have uploaded some new GIFs showing off some of the improvements and I have posted a full changelog on my dev blog.

The changes include:

Gameplay changes including the new test phase which allows free experimentation of modifiers before a round starts. The length can be customised in the main menu and even disabled.

New content such as a defend base objective, time field ability, momentum based movement and a homing shot weapon.

Refining existing abilities and weapons. The boomerang weapon returns to the player even if they have moved since firing and black holes can combine to form bigger ones.

Improved AI: AI can target each other, prioritise targets according to distance and even complete objectives.

Visual updates: New trails for players and projectiles. New hit and death effects. Screenshake when firing weapons, being damaged and dying. Kickback on players, pointer recoil when firing.

Various bug fixes and much more! Expect a new gameplay video soon but for now grab some controllers and friends and have fun!

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