Hey all! Lockethot here, and I'm happy to get to work on this project! This mod was originally made by Ramaraunt, a philanthropist in the Taleworlds community who has disappeared lately. However, before he left, he created many great things, including a mod called ShogunRP, which brought Persistent World style gameplay to Japan. The mod was mainly played by LegionRP, a private role play group who used the mod for events. Today, I'm glad to announce that I have started work on a public version of this old mod, and I am already hosting both a 100 slot EU and a 100 slot NA server! However, please note that ShogunRP is a bit old and buggy, and will need some work before we can play on it again seriously. If you want to help bug testing, please get the final version of the original ShogunRP module here. You can also speak with me in my Discord community here. Since Ramaraunt was kind enough to do everything open source, it wont be long before I have this mod up to date, and even with new scripts bought from my friends and Infravider hosting! The official servers will include banks, personal houses, item saving, and many more Persistent World features that only item saving can provide.
I am also in need of trustable people to help me manage these servers. I need two Head Administrators (HA), one for North America and one for Europe. I also am looking for a Public Relations Manager to handle all that jazz for me so I can focus more on the coding aspects of this project. Please contact me if you are interested in taking on any of these roles!
I will soon open a Patreon page for those who wish to support me in my endeavors, which include these servers and others that will open for other things in the future. The money you donate will ONLY go to my projects, and I have no plans on keeping cash for myself. If I have a surplus of donations, the money will go to creating new servers in other mods or games, or will be saved for when times are more desperate. Due to both Taleworlds policy and my own opinions on how my servers should be run, donations will never earn you any benefit in-game in any server in my community.
Oh, and btw: the servers are all live! So go ahead and try the mod out. Don't forget to keep track of any bugs you find to tell me about so I can fix them.