Another update... so, here it is: the BrimCannon (BrimStone remake/upgrade). You can charge the primary fire (current charge displayed by the weapon), which will determine the stone speed/damage/momentum. The primary fire will cause an earthquake (magnitude based on the charge and the distance between the pawn and the hit location), but won't cause splash damage. The secondary will be like the BrimStone secondary, but won't cause an earthquake and will generate less stones. And... if you've paid attention, you noticed the weapon was re-skined... yeah? It's not that cool skin, but it looks nice.
And then, the Vampiric Totem. The code is 100% done, I just have to get some cool sound effects and add some eye-candy too. But as you can see, there's already a cool effect being used... which is a sweet trail that the vampire leaves while moving. The Vampiric Totem lasts for 30 seconds... and while it's active, you'll be virtually immune to all damage types, except silver bullets and heat damage. You'll also steal life for every damage you dish, but you'll lose health in a dangerous rate.
Local messages - I've learned a bit some days ago, so I could change their color, offset, etc. I've done custom messages for MultiKills (Double, Triple, Multi...), LocalShots (in AW, Headshot and Crotchshot) and for Ammunition Types (when a weapon has multiple ammunition, it'll appear which ammo you're currently using). There're other additions, like... you kill someone with the Shredder. Instead of seeing a "You killed someone" message, you'll see "You shredder someone", as well as the victim will see a "You were shredder by someone" message. Yeah, every weapon will have a different string for this.
Maybe you're wondering about the menu, yeah? I haven't started it at all, but I've already edited the *.ini file, which will be huge... really huge. You'll be able to configure almost everything, from the damage a projectile does to the amount of ammo a weapon may carry. It's not finished yet, but I'm nearly sure it'll feature more than... 300 editable strings! The worst part is that I have to assign each string with some code lines... so yeah, it takes time... and is... very boring. But I've already done it with some string (just to check if they're working)... but I really can't say how much time it'll take to be done.
Also, I think I have to tell you all that it's expected a downtime on STX server. It may stay down for a 1-3 days period, so if you access our sites/forums, never mind, it's just temporary. We'll be back as soon as we can, with full force (and maybe... another update? Who knows???). See ya soon (and try to visit our forums!).