Post news RSS BrambleLash 0.7 Demo Released!

Our newest demo is out, featuring 4 player co-op, VS and all new levels! Grab a friend and get tethered!

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Grab a friend or three, some controllers, and get tied together! This demo features 2 or 4 player multiplayer, and can be played 2 player on a keyboard, but is best experienced with controllers.

Windows Demo 0.7

BrambleLash 0.7 Demo (Windows)

Mac Demo 0.7

BrambleLash 0.7 Demo (Mac)

Linux Demo 0.7
BrambleLash 0.7 Demo (Linux)

Since our last demo release, we've been hard at work on two major things: 4 player modes and new levels with a more detailed look and feel.

We're really happy with where we've brought the new level designs to; not only are they more interesting visually but also respond to the players' and enemies' movements, in ways such as grass decaying when slimed and moving/coming back to life when a player walks by. Happily, the level creation system that we've devised is pretty robust and generic, giving us a lot of freedom to create new levels and area palettes in the future!

New Image

A full scale view of the first of our new levels.

Adding support for 4 players was a challenge in the sense that playtesting for 4 with a development team of 2 takes a bit of organization. We created an initial survival based 4 player VS mode and brought it to a local playtesting event in order to see how it went down. From this, we learned that A) Winning a competitive game by default when an enemy does your dirty work is unsatisfying, and B) When 4 or more players are available, any mode which doesn't support 4 players will be ignored. Out of this experience arose the new form of our now more offensive VS mode, and fast tracked our development of 4 player support for our co-operative Adventure mode.

If you can gather together 3 friends, we really suggest you try out 4 player; BrambleLash's tether mechanic creates some very interesting interactions and challenges when more than one pair is involved!

In the meantime while the demo downloads (and if you're reading this far you ARE downloading it, yes? :P), check out some pretty screenies:

Facing off in VS mode

2 Player mode is still going strong!

Offensive/Devensive tactics in the Occupy win condition of Adventure mode

Player 3 and 4 sweeping the field in VS mode

-- Love, ByteSprite

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