Post news RSS BonB Challenge: Beat level 8 and get 5 followbees as gift

From today until July 14, you'll get 5 followbees as gift if you beat level 8 of the game.

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How additional challenge: If you beat level 10 you'll get 10 instead of 5, which will place you in a good position in the ranking and will help you get more suits.

If you have not started playing, do it now, the game is available on Google Play and GuGames-DEV or indieDB, both Windows and Android. Of course is free.

The gifts will be distributed on the 14th, that day we'll public the winners in GuGames-DEV. To receive the gift just start the game from that day.

Important: If you started playing Bee or not Bee: 100+ Followbees and you beat level 8 before challenge announcement will not receive the prize unless you complete the level again beating your previous score. Moreover, to obtain and participate in the prize you need to play online to send your game data automatically, mind it.


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